Transform your
Health & Well-being
Join the
Vibrant Living Cleanse
April 15 - 22

Revitalize your body and gain a new level of energy with our 7-day detox program! Unlock a healthier, happier you and start experiencing the benefits right away. Register now and transform your life!

5 Reasons why you should join the

Vibrant Living Cleanse

  1. Eliminate toxins from your body and improve your overall health.
  2. Boost your energy levels and improve your mood.
  3. Shed unwanted pounds and improve your appearance.
  4. Enjoy delicious, nutritious meals that support your detox goals.
  5. Learn the basics about intermittent fasting/rhythmic eating that will stay with you long after the detox is finished.

Read what they're raving about!

"I turned down Jacalyn's offers to do a cleanse a few times before finally agreeing to try it and wondered why I waited so long. I love the kitchari and sometimes just make it for myself because it is warm, comforting and satisfying. It's been a good way for me to jump start a phase of more conscious eating."

~ Cheryl Dolinger Brown

"Jackie's such an incredible mentor and teacher and friend, and she just, the, the whole course just kind of blew my mind in terms of actually doing and actually committing to the habits. And I think that's why I really, really love. Doing this, and I just, I can't rave enough about how spectacular it was and how it's really changed my life. " ~ Eric Mann

"This was my first cleanse, and I wouldn't have trusted anyone but Jacalyn to lead it. Her deep interest in anatomy informs the program. The cleanse is structured but has enough flexibility to allow for personal preferences. I was surprised how dramatically my acid reflux improved after just a couple of days. Since then, I've incorporated Intermittent Fasting relatively easily into my lifestyle. I'm looking forward to the next seasonal cleanse to see how much inflammation I can calm this time." ~ Anonymous

Meet Jacalyn

Certified Anusara Teacher, & Health Coach

Blessed by loving companions and compassionate teachers, I stepped out of my comfort zone to explore new realms and found my true path. As a Certified Anusara® Yoga Instructor and Licensed Certified Yoga Health Coach, I'm fulfilling my dream of bringing light and vibrant health to the world. Join me in the heart-filled community of World Yoga Center, where I offer public classes, private sessions, retreats, workshops, and teacher trainings. Connect with me for a free consultation to discuss your health goals, and let's embark on a journey towards a life filled with passion and meaning!

Give your body the reset it needs - sign up for the 7-day cleanse and start feeling amazing!

Vibrant Living Cleanse starts on April 15 and ends on April 22.